Five KINNECT Nurses share what they love about their work
When you join KINNECT as an Occupational Health Nurse you can expect to enjoy a diverse workload where no two days are exactly the same. You’ll also get flexibility in your work and a role that can fit into your life.
We caught up with five of our fabulous Occupational Health Nurses to find out what they love most about their roles at KINNECT.
Kathleen Manning | Rockhampton:
What I love about working at KINNECT is the variety I am given in my workplace.
One week I may be in the office attending medicals on a variety of clients from a wide range of career paths. The following week I may have the opportunity to travel and work on-site completing projects.
I feel supported in the office and on-site there is always someone there for technical support if needed. The KINNECT culture guided by their core values and the people who are a part of the KINNECT team gives me great work satisfaction. I am very grateful for the opportunity to pursue a career in OHN as a proud KINNECTer.
Mathew Russell | Sydney:
I love the support. I don’t mean the clinical support, the education support, or the technical support, even though, in my experience, these are second to none. No. The support I love is that in uncertain times, I have never felt that KINNECT would let me down. As our role evolves, I know that the organization will be there with the information and backup that I need.
My happiness is important to KINNECT, and that means… a lot.
I know that with three kids at home, I have the flexibility to be there for them when they need me, and through that you get a sense of the importance of family to our organization. This doesn’t necessarily mean that my family are central to KINNECT, but they understand that my family are central to me, and that is important to KINNECT.
Desire Prinsloo | Gold Coast:
By valuing the skills and experience you have gained over the years, I still get those days when you get challenged by a new situation that makes me reach for my textbook. Your other Occupational Health Nurses and colleagues’ fantastic knowledge and support, and input is only an arm’s length or a teams call away. I work in a team where our primary goal is for our clients to stay healthy. Our company gives all its employees a sense of ownership, responsibility and opportunity to grow. It makes me happy to get to work in a work environment like this.
Finally, I’m getting that work-life balance after years of shift work.
As an OHN at Kinnect, we all go home at 5pm. We can go for that bbq on a Saturday as weekends are ours to enjoy with family and friends. All staff are looking forward to having public holidays and the Christmas holidays off. I have a life now.
Melanie Vergara | Mascot:
KINNECT has given me the opportunity to help a diverse range of client groups, where I can utilise my clinical skills as a Registered Nurse, and also be able to upskill in other areas related to occupational health that I wouldn’t usually have the opportunity to, if I were to work in other health streams.
I have a super supportive team, this is not just my immediate team in Sydney, I’m talking nationally.
I could easily get in touch with other team members regarding any questions I have, and I know that my team members will be available to assist!
Trudi Boss | Mackay:
I love that the clients are ‘mostly’ happy, healthy and willing to be at their PEP appointment which makes it an enjoyable experience. I am able to converse and laugh with the clients, which is a different environment from a bustling Emergency Department when a client is unwell or in pain.
After 20 years of Hospital Nursing involving shiftwork, it is such a refreshing change to have flexibility in my shifts, a work-life balance, that fits in with my family.
I also love educating the client/workers, explaining their medical results to them; what their BP/Audio/Spiro results mean. It’s educating and empowering the client in their own health. For many clients, they have completed numerous medicals and were never told or didn’t understand their health results.
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