Evolution Traffic Control
- CLIENT: Evolution Traffic Control
- SECTOR: Traffic Control
- SERVICES: Acute Injury Management

Evolution is an Australian public company that operates the largest traffic control and traffic management company across Australia and New Zealand. Its activities include the provision of traffic management safety services comprising the people and vehicles with equipment for a range of traffic control situations, and traffic management planning and advice.
Project Scope
Evolution transitioned to KINNECT’s Acute Injury Management Service in 2016. To assist in this transition, KINNECT provided all Evolution supervisors with an online training program to up skill them in the new injury management process. The 24/7 Injury Triage Hotline phone number was advertised in all Evolution vehicles, in addition to all supervisors being issued with a manual. This entire transition period took just 4 weeks, with the service going live on 1st August 2016.
Since implementing KINNECT’s Acute Injury Management Service, Evolution has achieved a 91% reduction in Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) in just 10 months.
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